How can I build good relationships with professors?

Building good relationships with professors is essential for your academic and professional success. Professors can provide valuable guidance, mentorship, and support, and having a positive relationship with them can open up opportunities for research, internships, and recommendation letters. Here are some tips for building strong relationships with your professors:

1. Attend classes regularly and participate actively

  • Showing up to class regularly and participating in discussions demonstrates your dedication and respect for the professor's time and efforts.
  • Engaging with the material and asking thoughtful questions can also help you stand out and show your interest in the subject.

2. Visit during office hours

  • Professors often hold office hours for students to drop in and ask questions or discuss course material.
  • Taking advantage of this time to get to know your professors on a more personal level can be very beneficial.

3. Seek feedback and follow up

  • After receiving grades or feedback on assignments, take the time to review the comments and suggestions made by your professors.
  • If you have questions or want to discuss the feedback further, don't hesitate to reach out to your professors and ask for clarification or guidance.

4. Get involved in research or projects

  • If you have a strong interest in a particular subject, consider reaching out to professors to inquire about research opportunities or independent study projects.
  • Being involved in research can help you develop a closer working relationship with your professors and gain valuable experience.

5. Show gratitude and respect

  • Expressing gratitude for your professor's time and expertise can go a long way in building a positive relationship.
  • Respect their time and boundaries, and always communicate in a professional and polite manner.


Building strong relationships with your professors takes time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. By attending classes regularly, engaging with the material, visiting office hours, seeking feedback, getting involved in research, and showing gratitude and respect, you can develop meaningful connections with your professors that will enhance your academic experience and set you up for success in the future.